Ununtrium is the temporary name of a chemical element in the periodic table that has the temporary symbol Uut and has the atomic number 113. It was discovered from the bombardment of atoms of Americium-243 with ions of Calcium-48. Among the product of the bombardment were four atoms of Ununpentium which in less than 1/10 second decayed into atoms of ununtritium. On September 2004 a team of Japanese scientists declared that they succeeded in synthesizing the element. It is expected to have properties similar of Thallium and Indium.
Ununtritium does not have any known application and little is known about it. Ununtritium in the environment Ununtritium is not found free in the environment, since it is a synthetic element. Health effects of UnuntriumAs it is so unstable, any amount formed would decompose to other elements so quickly that there’s no reason to study its effects on human health. Environmental effects of UnuntriumDue to its extremely short half-life, there’s no reason for considering the effects of ununtritium in the envIronment. |