Europium is a soft silvery metal, both are and expensive. It is the
most reactive of the lanthanide group: it tarnishes quickly in air at
room temperature, burns at about 150 C to 180 C and reacts readly with
Europium is a neutron adsorber, , so it is used in nuclear reactors
control rods. Europium phosphors are used in television tubes to give a
bright red colour and as an activator for Yttrium-based phosphors. For
powerful street lighting a little Europium is added to Mercury vapour
lamps to give a more natural light. A salt of Europium is used for newer
phosphorescent powder and paints.
Europium in the environment
Europium is one of the less abundant rare-earth elements: it is
almost as abundant as
. It is never found in nature as the free element, but
there are many elements containing eruropium. Main mining areas are
China and USA. Reserves of Europium are estimated to be around 150.000
tonnes and world production of the pure metal is around 100 tonnes a
Europium has no known biological role.
Europium salts could be mildly toxic by ingesiton, but its
toxicity has not been fully investigated.
Europium poses no Environmental threath to
plants or animals. The metal dust presents a fire and explosion