BromineAt ambient temperature bromine is a brownish-red liquid. It has a similarly colored vapor with an offensive and suffocating odor. It is the only nonmetallic element that is liquid under ordinary conditions, it evaporates easily at standard temperature and pressures in a red vapor that has a strong disagreeable odor resembling that of Chlorine. Bromine is less active chemically than Chlorine and Fluorine but is more active than Iodine; its compounds are similar to those of the other halogens. Bromine is soluble in organic solvents and in water. ApplicationsBromine is used in industry to make organobromo compounds. A major one was dibromoethane an agent for leaded gasoline, before they were largely phased out due to Environmental considerations. Other organoBromines are used as insecticides, in fire extinguishers and to make pharmaceuticals. Bromine is used in making fumigants, dyes, flameproofing agents, water purification compounds, sanitizes, medicinals, agents for photography and in brominates vegetable oil, used as emulsifier in many citrus-flavoured solft drinks. Bromine in the environmentBromine is a naturally occurring element that can be found in many inorganic substances. Humans however, have many years ago started the introduction of organic Bromines in the envIronment. These are all compounds that are not natural and can cause serious harm to human health and the environment. In diffuse crustal rock bromine naturally occurs as bromide salts.
Bromine salts have accumulated in sea
water (85 ppm), from which bromine is extracted. Health effects of bromineBromine is corrosive to human tissue in a liquid state and its vapors irritate eyes and throat. Bromine vapors are very toxic with inhalation. Humans can absorb organic Bromines through the skin, with food and
during breathing. Organic Bromines are widely used as sprays to
kill insects and other unwanted pests. But they are not only
poisonous to the animals that they are used against, but also to
larger animals. In many cases they are poisonous to humans, too. Environmental effects of bromineOrganic Bromines are often applied as
disinfecting and protecting agents, due to their damaging effects
on microorganisms. When they are applied in greenhouses and on
farmland they can easily rinse off to surface water, which has
very negative Health effectson daphnia, fishes, lobsters and
algae. |